The Weight
"Take A Load Off Fannie..."
By now you can definitely tell that I am absolutely inconsistent. I would like to be more committed to certain things for sure, only I think my genetic makeup won't allow it. Unless it involves playing guitar, or bringing on diabetes by injecting sugar flavored tea into my bloodstream, I have problems.
I do have a problem constantly providing content to things like blogs and facebooks and tweets because honestly I am not really that interesting. Conversely, I can't really think of too many people who I want to hear from constantly about what cheeseburger they are eating (except for maybe Chuck Klosterman). It is a very interesting day and age we are living in today, but I think that all in all, human nature hasn't really changed. We want to connect with others, to be heard, to be understood. I wonder if chimpanzees feel the same way?
Speaking of heavy, the new Arcade Fire record called "The Suburbs" is really fantastic. I do think that it's not for everyday listening, it has brought on an honest to God bout of depression. It's too gritty, too aware, too honest. I'm kind of afraid of hearing Win Butler's lyrics, only because if I really think about what he is saying, I feel like I have to renounce some useless portions of my life. Its terrifyingly good, probably an instant classic, but not for everyday use.
Besides "The Suburbs,"and throwing up some major stacks at the gym, (oooh la la, Rod Stewart probably benches more than me) I have been reading Dostoevsky's "The Brothers Karamazov," and watching Documentaries on Netflix like "Jesus Camp" and "Food, Inc." These have all challenged me in some way or another and I recommend them all. If you are reading this, send a recommendation my way. Maybe you have some knowledge of Martin Lawrence's latest film.