I'm filled with...

I've never seen someone so obsessed with a tv show that hasn't yet premiered, as my wife is with Glee. This show hasn't even truly begun and she's already planning on getting a "Gold Digger" tattoo to commemorate the choir's performance of the Kanye West classic.

Meanwhile, I'm trying to figure out a way to fund a purchase of the newly remastered Beatles tracks as well as Beatles Rock Band game. I suppose I should have a Wii first, but let's not get technical here.

Our shows this weekend were a lot of fun. Show one in Monroe had us playing to a very supportive crowd who knew our music. Show two had us playing in the Celebrity Lounge in a casino, with people who were totally unfamiliar. But, being the "make the most of it" type of guys we are, we delivered a show full of entertainment, at one point pulling a middle aged African American woman on stage who went by the name "Miss Jenkins" (I think). Jordy ended up singing "Ill make love to you" to her. I think people were mostly just licking each other in the face out there in the crowd. But the night was wild, and so were we. Then I proceeded to drive 10 hours home so I could be at work the next day. I have determined that I am a moron, and should stick to serenading middle aged women.

That is all for now.

Lish 5000 out.


Brooke said...

I resent this. Not because you are making fun of me - what's new there? - but because:

1. I hate Kanye and would never purchase anything by, of or relating to him on principle alone. Covered by the Gleeks or not.

2. I told you, let's purchase the Beatles Rock Band as an act of good faith that we'll receive a Wii.

3. I'll discuss your lack of editing with you in person.

4. There are so many topics you could have blogged about in the last week. I even mentioned them to you. And yet you say you have nothing to write about. *sigh*