Hello Barefoot.
Recently, I overheard a coworker saying that Seth Green had the sweetest gig in Hollywood.
This person is obviously someone who aspires to be a comedian, and says that because of Seth's low level of limelight vs. his seemingly unending number of projects. That is all fine and well, but this guy is a moron for saying that. Look up and you will see why...
This woman easily has the easiest gig in the entertainment industry. Ina Garten, or "Barefoot Contessa" as she is known on the Food Network, has a semi-occurring show in which she cooks up a meal for some group of wealthy Hamptonites, all the while swilling booze like Mel Gibson. Thats it....that is all she does.
She has a tv show, food products for sale, and cookbooks. She basically retired from the White House and bought a food store in the Hamptons, which somehow skyrocketed her career. Keep in mind she isn't the hot piece of tail like Giada De Laurentiis (the woman who almost had me), the chipper squeak of Rachel Ray, or even the horrible frosted tips of Guy Fieri, she is just a middle aged woman, who likes to cook and drink -- at the same time.
Explaining her rise to an outsider would be like seeing a tone deaf Meat Loaf take the music industry by storm. Maybe if Paula Dean didn't have that incredibly put on accent and didn't market herself to Jeff Foxworthy fans, that would be Barefoot Contessa....see what I mean, how did this happen? And why is she absolutely my favorite Food Network Chef? Some things have no explanation. Like:
Arrested Development getting cancelled.
Olive Garden commercials.
The appeal of any reality television show.
Dumbledore being gay, while living in an era of serious homosexual wizard repression.
Seeing an ad spot for "Nearly Naughty" which is a local company offering to shoot photos of women in lingerie as a gift idea for their significant other.
These are my thoughts of the day after listening to T Rex's "Electric Warrior," and cooking up a delicious fettuccine alfredo with chicken. Its a good life.